Hello, my name is
Jeff Block
I am a PHP web-developer and IT enthusiast based in Cologne, Germany.
I would to have a chat with you.

About Me

Some information about myself

Developing awesome things with passion since 2009.

Jeff Block

Senior PHP Developer / Instructor / Team-Lead
Jeff Block

Lebenslauf / CV

Hello there!

My name is Jeff, and I am an IT specialist, lead PHP developer and instructor from Cologne, Germany. I enjoy writing exciting and challenging web applications, utilizing all the common technologies, but I try to focus primarily on backend development using PHP in combination with MySQL.

I also find the entire Web3 space, including blockchain technology as well as game-development with c# and unity3d highly intriguing. I love taking on new challenges and delving into new subject areas.

Currently, I do work for Codeenterprise GmbH, where I spend most of my time working on awesome projects and maintaining online shops based on Shopware5 and Shopware6. Additionally, I am responsible for the development of our Shopware 6 plugin portfolio.

Outside of development, I am passionate about personal development, ice hockey, sports, gaming, reading and of course, my 6-headed little family: 🐴 🐶 👶 👫 👧


Caffein shots


Year Experience


Lines of code


Sleepless nights per year

My Services

My favourite things I like to do

PHP/MySQL Based Web-Applications

Build your custom web-application with PHP and/or a suitable Framework like symfony, cakePHP or slim.

API Design (REST / CRUD)

Building an API-layer on top of your web-application helps your application to get more extendable, exchangable and maintainable.


Plan, build and maintain your online shop and start selling your goods with Shopware5 or Shopware6.

SEO & Online-Marketing

Create effective landing-pages and funnels to promote your product(s) in a SEO friendly way.

Social Media Branding

Start your social media business and build/promote your brand in the most effective way.

Talk to you

I'd really love to have a chat with you. I'm sure we will find an adequate solution for your specific problem.

Code examples

Evaluate my code by diving into my open-source Shopware6 Plug-Ins.

My Portfolio

Browse some example projects below.

My Skills

I am really good at the following skills

Work Experience

Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced.

  1. Pixlip GmbH

    Senior Software engineer

    I currently work at Pixlip GmbH, where I spend most of my time maintaining and developing the online shop.

  2. codeenterprise GmbH

    PHP Web Developer / Software developer

    For 2019 to 2024 I worked at codeenterprise GmbH, where I spend most of my time working on awesome projects, maintain online-shops and creating shopware6 Plug-Ins.

  3. I-D Media AG

    Web-Developer / Software developer

    For a bit of over 7 years I worked at I-D Media AG where I was some kind of a "allrounder". Besides PHP based projects, I spent a lot of time developing projects with enterprise CMS Systems like OpenText, SiteCore or FirstSpirit. Besides that, I did a lot of frontend-related stuff (HTML, CSS, JS) as well.

  4. I-D Media AG


    This is where my initial career began. Sure, I started programming way earlier in my youth hood, but this was the point in time, where I started to do it professional. After 3 years, I got my diploma as a "Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung" as we say here in germany


Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.

Fachabitur in Wirtschaft & Verwaltung

Erich Gutenberg Berufskolleg

Fachabitur Abschluss in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung




Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung

IHK Cologne

3 Jährige Ausbildung zum Fachninformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung



2008 - 2011

OpenText (Ehem. RedDot) CMS Server Fundamentals & Advanced Certificate


OpenText (Prev. RedDot) is an Enterprise CMS system




Java VHS Zertifizierung (Bildungsveranstaltung)


Java development certificate by the VHS.




Sitecore XP 8 Developer certificate


SiteCore is a Java based Enterprise CMS system




PHP-Entwickler Zertifizierung


Offiziell zertifizierter ZEND PHP Entwickler




AEVO Ausbilderschein

IHK Cologne

Fachlich- und persönlich qualifizierter Ausbilder im Bereich der Informatik




Shopware5 certified developer


Shopware5 developer Zertifikat / Online Schulung




Shopware6 certified developer


Shopware6 developer Zertifikat / Online Schulung




Diverse Weiterbildungen / Zertifizierungen

Div. locations

Diverse Zertifizierungen und Weiterbildungen, unter anderem in: Sitecore, FirstSpirit, OpenText, Shopware, Java, C#, Netzwerktechnik, uvm.



2008 - ∞

It's through mistakes that you actually can grow. You have to get bad in order to get good.

- Paula Scher -

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have something to say!

Contact Info